Friday 30 January 2015

Production Plan Day 2

Thursdays lesson:

On thursday we will finish filming the phone call scene with Jacob portraying DCI Daniel Bloor. We need to reverse the shot angle so that you can see his face throughout the conversation and him leave the room.
we will need:
1 copy of the script
The fake police poster on the wall
The same room as last time (room A422D) to finnish filming the phone call scene.
Jacobs phone

Jacob- professional clothing (same clothes as last time to keep continuity)
D.C.I Daniel Bloor- Danny is a young senior detective new to his job. He is good at his job but is having a hard time cracking his latest case which he has been working on for ten months. He has a high dedication to his work since he has split up with his wife earlier in the year but has been having a hard time. He is a down to earth, passionate guy but come across as a nasty person as he is to involved in his work. He is often well dressed, looks smart and presentable.

Once the phone call scene is finished we will film the interview scene, this will take place in a different room, the interview between Jacob (DCI Daniel Bloor) and henry (his characters name) we will need:
2 copies of the script
Fake police posters on the wall
a tape recorder
a lamp
papers showing CCTV picture evidence of the crime

Jacob-  A professional suit to represent a D.C.I. He will wear the same clothes as last time, to keep continuity.
Henry- joggers and a hoodie make him look like a 'thug' the stereotypical  person who will commit this serious crime.

Friday 16 January 2015

Production Plan Day 1

Day 1
Phone call scene (inside A422D)
Need two copies of the script

Police posters

Jacob -  smart casual, trousers and a shirt
Henry - joggers, hoody and trainers

Day 2
Cafe scene and ally way scene (outside)
Need two copies of the script

black bag
fake knife

Henry - Joggers, hoody and trainers
Harry - Casual clothes, dark coat

Day 3:
interview scene

papers showing picture evidence
police posters
a lamp
tape recorder

Group 15 audience questionnaire

This video is a pre production questionnaire.

Thursday 8 January 2015

Location scouting (Recce sheet)

    The shop named 'Harringtons' with the green front to the left of the image is the cafe which we will be using in the opening scene of our film, when Lewis Lock enters the cafe to exchange a few words with an anonymous character before receiving a bag full of narcotics and exiting the cafe before walking off towards a near by alleyway.  This location, along with all others we have found are found in the centre of Barnsley, in South Yorkshire. This is very convenient as all of the shots are in one area and will also add to the verisimilitude of our film, because all of the locations are genuine places where events as such could take place in real life.

This is the alleyway which Lewis Lock will walk down after leaving the cafe before getting attacked by a petty criminal, Curtis, who strikes Lock over the head forcing him to plummet to the floor at the far side of the alley. Curtis then grabs the bag of narcotics and fleas to a get away car which is waiting for him at the bottom of the alley, parked on the side of a street.

This is the end of the alleyway where Lewis Lock will get attacked by the thug Curtis, before he fleas into the getaway car which is parked across the street. The car will then drive away down Eastgate street, before making a left turn and going out of shot. The camera will then return to the bottom of the alleyway where we see Lewis Lock's body laid lifeless on the floor.

Script (images)


Click here for script