Friday 24 October 2014

Storyline idea

Its just an ordinary day. As two young are girls walking down the street exchanging conversation about their drunken night out the previous night. As they pass a café they see a man laid on his back in an alley way, presumably asleep. They decide to ignore him as they do not know the man and would rather not get involved. They later discover, due to information on the news, that the man is dead and the police are launching a murder investigation. As the girls enjoy a quite night in they are disturbed by a knock on the door. Its the police wanting to talk to both of them as CCTV from the café shows the girls in the vicinity late that night. They are taken to the station for questioning but later released as neither girl can give much information due to them being drunk.The rest of the film flits between the girls  at the party showing what happened on the night, and present day investigations.(all leading us to think that the first girl did murder the man) Later revealing that the police have found evidence that links one of the girls to the crime scene. . .
The girl is arrested, questioned and later released on bail.

As the trail day looms and tensions are running high the other girl confesses to the murder. As the girls are sisters the DNA is similar and it got mixed up. She explains what happened that night (shown to us through flashbacks , from the girls perspective and the use of voice over )

The beginning, when the two girls find the body is similar to the book Paper Towns by John Green, soon to be made into a film.

This storyline could also be linked to Memento as he believes one person killed his wife but it turned out to be someone else. The film gives you little clues and messages throughout to try and make you believe who killed her.

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