Tuesday 18 November 2014

As my movie will be made in the UK i think it would be best if I chose an independent UK film distributor as then people wouldn't have to travel a long distance in order to create the film. this would also increase cost which could be kept lower if filmed in the UK. Also by choosing an independent film company cost will also be lower as it isn't part of the major six film producers. Although the exposure of these films would be good if created by one of the big six it would be considerable more expensive than an independent film company in the UK.
I began by looking for a film distributor online and I came across many but they didn't seem to have as much film experience and background knowledge as other companies. I then found FILMBANK. As soon as I opened the website it had evidence of films and how they are made.  It also shows the licenses they have which is a great thing to display as we then know what they're eligible to do and then we know that our films are legal to watch. It also shows a list of new films that are available to watch in the cinema. By having these it shows that they are interested in the film industry, by showing this interest we know that they will want to end up with a good movie after the making. This would make me feel more comfortable as then I would know I would be getting a reasonably good product out of my storyline.
Not only do they offer movie listings of what is in the cinema they also give film ideas for certain holidays. For example, they give suggestions on what films are good for Christmas. This would be good for a consumer/user to see as they may have little background knowledge on movies and this way by having a list they can see the suggestions. This could improve their experience with watching movies. Also as they are acceptable lists it gives us more trust in the distributor as they know what films are good and what aren't. This means they will be more honest about the product and suggest changes that could be made in order to improve.
This distributor also has a newsletter. This could be effective when it comes to promoting movies. If the movie I had made got onto the newsletters it would offer exposure which may make people notice the movie and then go and watch it. Also, the newsletter could leave reviews which could affect my film in a positive way.  
However, there is a negative aspect to this website. The website doesn't offer a list of films which they have created. By not doing this we have no evidence of the work quality to which they work at. By not providing this it could possibly turn away clients because they want to know what sort of people they're working with.
So, by using this distributor I will be able to stay within the UK and not have to cover transport expenses. Also major films are created in places such as Hollywood, even though most of these are shown in the UK I would still have less competitors which will make it easier to market and make my product improve.


As I wanted to see what different types of distributors there were I wanted to research into more than one distributor to see what the differences are and what they have to offer. By doing this it allows my film to have the best potential it can. It does this because I can choose the best distributor which would suit my film the most. 
By using the search engine google I then found another distributor which would be possible to help my film gain attention and publicity.This company is called Eureka classics; it is located in London. By being located in the capital city of the United Kingdom it gives an edge which makes people recognise it more. Also, London is known as being superior and this could reflect from the company which may affect people's attention to my movie. 
The website also offers other sections with information. They consist

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