Thursday 27 November 2014

Individual analysis of first 10-15 mins of Goodfellas

Individual analysis of first 10-15 mins of Goodfellas

The first 44 seconds of the film show the title sequence, giving the names of people involved in the film with the sound of passing cars used as the names move across the screen. This gives us the idea that the film may start with a high speed car chase or near a busy road. 

After this we see a short clip of the three men in the car. Here we have diegetic sound as the three characters talk to each other about the banging sound coming from the back of the car. This makes the characters seem innocent as they think they have a flat tire, but then they realise what it is. We can also here the sound of the car and other cars as you naturally would. This is all diegetic as the characters can also here these sounds.

From here the three characters pull over and get out of the car. The Three of them are wearing suits. This represents someone high up in society e.g. a business man, a lawyer. But these three characters are wearing them casually, no tie, the top two buttons undone, the shirt not tucked in. This would show that they have to wear them for there job, or so they look natural and fit in with others when actually they don't want to wear them and don't conduct normal lives with real occupations. One of the men is also carrying a weapon. This shows that the men are violent and about to commit a crime, or already have.Another man is reaching into his pocket, also for a weapon, showing just how dangerous they are.

We then see the boot open to reveal a man wearing white but covered in blood. The white clothing could connotate his innocence. The men then quickly try to kill the man stabbing him numerous times and eventually shooting him. The sound of the gun is synchronous and the 'bang' sounds in time with him pulling the trigger. This shows the violent nature of the film so the audience know what to expect throughout, also showing the film is largely revolving around crime. 
After this one of the men comes and slams the boot shut. This is also synchronous sound as the sound is in time with the boot closing. As the character is doing this there is a voice over, 'As far back as i can remember, i have always wanted to be a gangster' This provides the audience with information about the character and gives them an insight into there life. Once the voice over is over, there is non-diegetic sound as the music plays, all upbeat and happy representing that the film is going to be happy and uplifting though it looks to be dark and dangerous. This is contrapuntal sound, as we have just witnessed a murder but then they play happy music to contrast it, it doesn't fit together. 

This music then continues through to the next clip as they introduce different producers and directors and other people involved in the film. Also using the sound of the car passing as the names wipe on and off the screen. This is effective as you get to see a short clip of the film in between the main title sequence, this keeps the audience watching and engaged in the film. 

From this we have another voice over with an extreme close up of the main character (we still do not know names) all you can see is his eye. As it zooms out we get to see more of his face in a close up. This is effective as we get to see the character properly in the light, as before there was very little lighting. We also get to know more about the character as he tells us about why he always wanted to be a gangster, following on from where we left off. 

We then see a long shot of a street, presumably where he lives, to set the scene. There is writing across the bottom telling you where the scene is set and where the film will take place. As the camera moves round we follow a man crossing the road, using a pan, all while the voice over is taking place, the character explaining his life as a gangster. 

First mans feet

Camera tilts up

From this we see two men get out of a car. As the first man gets out of the car the camera starts low down so all you can see are his feet and then it tilts up. This shows the character from a cantered angle, a low angle, making him look important and  superior compared to the characters around him. The second man is just seen in a medium shot, this adds to the first mans importance as it shows the second man as less important than him, and not   on his level.
See him from a low angle.

After a while, the voice over still playing, it goes back to his childhood, getting a job at a cab office and explaining how he loved his job. We then see him in the house with his father and his father hits him with the belt. We then see a freeze frame of his father holding the belt, while he explains on the voice over whats happening. This is good as you get the diegetic sound and synchronised sound of the characters talking and the smack of the belt, but then it freezes and goes back to the explanation of the voice over so the audience understands whats happening.
The belt is a prop in this scene, and is used as a weapon (reverting back to the beginning with the murder and all three men had weapons and were violent towards the seen to be innocent man) this could show where the boy got his violence from, his father. Also showing how children were treated in those times. 

From this scene we move straight to a conversation between the boy and a man, presumably his boss. Shot reverse shot is used here to show the conversation between the two characters. Behind the man we can see a chair, it looks fairly old representing that they dot make that much money and cant afford new furniture, the door also looks old and in need of re-painting.  

The clothes both characters are wearing also look old and dirty presenting that they are poor and don't have the money to buy new clothes and that they are not bothered about there appearance they just want to get on with there work and get there money to spend on more interesting things, e.g. cars. The clothes also look dirty representing the times they live in as washing machines and other electronic devices were new and expensive so not everyone can afford one. 

We also see more violence from his work colleagues when telling a post man not to deliver any school letters to his house, using force to drag him into a car and threatening him. Through this a panning shot is used to show the movements from the car to inside the  cafe. Another freeze frame is used and the voice over continues giving explanation as to what happened with the school letters. 

It then  moves on to a barbecue party, the boy is told something, the audience does not know what, and we see the boy smashing car windows with a crow bar. This shows hes not in charge, his taking orders from the boss and he has to do what they say, otherwise there will be consequences. This is shown in the dark, using low key lighting so you can see what is happening. This makes it more mysterious and could connotate danger. The sound of the windows smashing is  synchronised with the actions so it is believable.  

When the names of each character move across the screen this is a wipe edit, you can see each name wipe across the screen from one end to the other (right to left) then the name settles in the middle. This is then wiped off and replaced with the next name. 
An establishing shot is used when they first show the car, this is used to establish where the scene is taking place, in the car on a desolate road, in the dark. We then have a medium three shot inside the car, this is used to show the audience that these three men are inside the car they have just seen and are presumably the main protagonists in the film. Continuity editing is used throughout this scene with each clip following from the next smoothly so the audience understands what is going on. 
Match on action is used later in the film also to keep continuity. This is used when the boy is being beat by the belt. This keeps continuity and makes the film look realistic, as though the boy is actually being beat. 
This film starts in media-res (the middle of action or a story) finishing with the characters voice over about wanting to be a gangster. We then flash back to his childhood to explain why he wanted to be a gangster and how he got into the 'business' 
Although the film does not have a typical discourse structure as it is not in chronological order it is easy for the audience t follow especially because of the voice over explaining whats happening.

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