Sunday 2 November 2014

The genre of the film we have decided to make is a crime film. These usually focus either on the criminal or on the police investigation. These films are often based around sinister actions of the criminal e.g. murder. These films can also be categorised as film noir or detective-mystery due to underlying similarities between these genres. Some sub genres connected to crime films include: crime comedies, crime thrillers, film noir, heist films, hood films, legal dramas, mob films, mystery films and prison films.

Many different images can be used to present to the audience that the film is a crime film. Using props such as guns, knifes and other weapons usually show a film to be of criminal nature. When you think of a crime film you often think of run down areas showing the characters to be ruff and in bad condition. You also think of prison and police officers. These are all common images you associate with the crime genre.

We often associate different cultures, races and ethnicity's with crime films as we stereotype people into society. We look at people and the clothes they are wearing and decide, their a gangster their a chav etc . . .We assume these people will commit crimes so use the stereotype in our films to fit with peoples assumptions.

Many crime films revolve around either the crime or the police investigation and court case. When they are about the investigation we might see the crime committed but we may not know who did it, so we go through the investigation to find out who committed the crime. If they are to do with the crime we might begin before the crime, training for it and organising it. We might then see the crime and part of the investigation.

Many crime films are usually set in built up cities so you have an idea of ordinary life but then the secret world of a criminal, meeting up in run down bars or someones flat. This shows the reality of the film as many of the themes running through the film can occur on a daily basis and you don't know about it. It also keeps it running as the criminal has to be on their guard to make sure no one finds out about the crime.

Some themes involved in a crime film is the debate between a characters innocence and guilt. The death of a loved one, the crime in the film and an escape attempt from prison.

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