Saturday 25 April 2015

Evaluation question 6

What have you learned about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

In the process of producing our film I have used many technologies, some of which I had previously used and some which were completely new to me.

Firstly, the use of google blogger was a new platform of sharing group work for me. I had never used blogger before but soon got used to the idea of digitally producing work and sharing it over our blog rather than doing it manually. I used several different pieces of software to produce some of my work including Power Point, Microsoft Word and Prezi which I used on my laptop. Prezi was a new piece of software I had never used previously which I found very useful due to its good layout which is easy to navigate around and produce entertaining slides.
Prezi example
During the actual shooting of our film, as well as our questionnaire and preliminary exercise, we used a DV camera as these were the cameras provided to us from college. I had used other similar cameras before at home so easily got to grips with the handling and function of the camera. We used this camera with a tripod for all of the shots in our film as there was no need for a hand held shot in any of our scenes. The DV camera was used successfully and gave me better experience with a camera and has made me feel more confident in using one in the future.

Furthermore, we used Final Cut Express to edit our film, questionnaire and preliminary exercise together. I had never used the software before so it was a new experience for me as well as every other member of my group, but we soon learned how to use the software to edit the shots we had took with the DV camera and to firstly put them in chronological order. Once we accomplished this task we used the software to add effects to our shots such as the title sequence 'RUNNER' which appears in the back drop of the shot. Once we gained more confidence using the software to edit we synchronized music to our shots and edited them again more effectively with the use of match on actions and parallel editing in our attacking scene for example, to speed up the pace of the action and make it more entertaining for viewers with a tense build up through the use of the parallel edits.

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