Friday 24 April 2015

Evaluation question 7

Looking back at your preliminary exercise, what do you feel you have learned in the progression from it to the full product.

I learned that the complexity of your editing has a massive affect on the overall outcome of your film, if you use simple editing it wont be as effective as more complex. In our preliminary exercise we used simple edits and rules such as shot-reverse-shot, the 180 degree line and match on action. Although this helped us keep continuity it didn't look like it had been edited professionally unlike the full product, in which we used fades, and parallel editing which made a massive difference to the flow of the film and made it look professional. It also helped to create a tense build up affect which was vital to get the overall message of the film.

Another thing I learned is the affect of the acting, in the preliminary exercise we didn't spend much time working on the costume and acting so it was hard to understand what the exercise was about and it didn't have the right affects. However in the full product we had lots of time to make sure the costume and acting was effective, which improved the film massively. It helped the product to give off the correct affect and people could understand it effectively meaning it was better.

Also the sound had a major affect, in the preliminary exercise the only sound used was diagetic dialogue meaning that there was no background music or any affect. This made it weird to watch and broke continuity as it was abnormally quiet at times. On the other hand in the full product as well as diagetic dialogue we also added some non diagetic music on to the beginning of it and the title sequence which had a positive affect. It worked well as build up music and created tension which will get the audience on their feet wondering what will happen next. Also the music made it seem more normal and kept continuity.

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